Damon Braces

Moore Orthodontics is proud to offer and utilize state of the art Damon Ultima Brackets for our comprehensive cases.  

Fewer Office Visits 

Damon braces eliminate the need for elastic or metal "ties" which means fewer adjustments are needed and appointments can be spaced further apart resulting in faster treatment times compared to traditional braces.  

Enhanced Comfort 

The design of the Damon braces are smaller and have a built in "door" to hold the wire. This is referred to as "self-ligating" which is important since it allows the wire to slide back and forth within the bracket for less pressure and friction. This slide mechanism allows the teeth to move more freely, quickly, and comfortably.  


Damon braces are designed to be discreet, comfortable, and easy to keep clean. The lack of elastic ties helps to keep plaque buildup down and oral hygiene easier.

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Moore to learn more about the benefits of Damon Braces.